The dog days of summer have descended upon us!!! That doesn’t mean there still isn’t a lot going on in the neighborhood. Since the last edition of the newsletter, the GHCA Board has elected its officers for the upcoming year (April – March). With much gratitude, I accepted the nomination as
President, and will continue to serve in this role for the upcoming year. Brad Linder was elected Vice President, Shari Radich was re-elected to serve as Secretary, and Leslie Tate was re-elected to serve as Treasurer. Many thanks to all who agreed to serve the GHCA in this capacity and congratulations!!
In this issue, you will find important details from the Jackson County Road Department regarding some upcoming projects. Several GHCA board members met with road department officials to get a better idea about what is planned, and they have provided us with small summaries of the major projects happen- ing in Gulf Hills: the bridge on Shore Drive at the Memorial Garden, and a new entrance to Gulf Hills. Please see page 8 for these articles. The County is investing considerable sums to help improve the infrastructure here in Gulf Hills, and that, along with improvements planned for Washington Avenue, will be a benefit to us all. We all know the closure of Shore Drive at the Memorial Garden has been an inconvenience, but it was a necessary one due to the failure of the culverts beneath the road. You can expect more closures of roads as these projects progress. Thank you in advance for your continued patience as these improvement projects get underway, and as always, please be safe and don’t take unnecessary risks when driving on our roads.

Road Closed
If the sign reads “Road Closed,” please find an alternate route!! But when you find an alternate route, please be sure it is meant for automobile traffic – unlike the person caught on camera recently bypassing the closure and driving on the golf cart path and bridge. This is not only incredibly dangerous and dumb, but it is also trespassing on golf course property which could lead to prosecution, particularly if the damage is caused.
Elliott Homes
Due to continued questions, you will also find an article discussing the differences between a Homeowners’ Association (HOA) and a Civic Association (like GHCA). There is no HOA covering the entirety of Gulf Hills, although some of the homes in the new Elliott homes developments may be included in one. Please also be sure to check out the helpful numbers on the last page of this issue. We have many public resources at our disposal and sometimes we for- get! And speaking of civic issues and responsibilities, don’t forget to vote in the primary elections on August 8!
Gulf Hills has a lot in store for the summer months. In this issue, you will find details on ways to keep our neighborhood beautiful and appreciate the abundant wildlife we are blessed to have. We even have an article for the history buffs among you! I hope you enjoy the information in this issue. There is something of interest for everyone. As you will see, sever- al of our neighbors have contributed articles. We welcome submissions of articles on topics of interest from our neighbors. If you are interested in writing an article (or column) or have a topic you would like to see addressed in an upcoming issue, please contact Van Arnold at